Louisine Havemeyer: Long Island Suffragist Made Women's History

She was a 63-year-old grandmother who picketed the White House with banners and signs as fellow protestors burned an effigy of President Woodrow Wi...

March 9, 2023
4:54 AM

She was a 63-year-old grandmother who picketed the White House with banners and signs as fellow protestors burned an effigy of President Woodrow Wilson. She was attacked by counter-protestors, arrested, and jailed. But she was nothing if not determined, and so she persisted. Sound like current political protests? This divide actually tore the nation apart in the early 1900s as women and men alike took sides over the political football of the day: women's rights.  When not leading demonstrators, suffragist speaker and activist Louisine Waldron Elder Havemeyer retreated to her Islip and Commack homes on Long Island to strategize how to bring about equal social opportunities and protection for women under the law.

Annie Wilkinson